Themed Clinics
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Margaret River-Metricup WA. Mindful Rider Clinic.
241 Gale Road, Metricup 6280 241 Gale Road, MetricupJoin us for an exclusive riding experience where every detail is crafted to elevate your skills and deepen your connection with your horse. Imagine yourself in a private 45-minute lesson guided by Ann Montgomery. During lunch, Ann provides invaluable video feedback and a stimulating mini-workshop. The afternoon sessions conclude with another round of personal coaching...
“The Mindful Movement Clinic” In-hand and ridden.
63 Preece Road, Keysbrook WA 63 Preece road, KEYSBROOKThe Mindful Movement Clinic Join Ann Montgomery on this special weekend where you will learn how to create harmony in motion with your horse. Your mindful movement clinic starts with the pre-clinic online material. This gives you theory and simple activities to get you started on the pathway to success. Then, over two days, you...
Mindful Rider Clinic. Mackay Qld
Willimay Equestrian. Plewstow. Qld 71 Richie Road, Plewstow. North Mackay.This clinic has only six rider spaces. The clinic will go into detail on the rider and horse biomechanics. We will target the things that you require help with or that I see as the first element to be addressed. During the lessons, short videos are recorded in the morning sessions so you can see...